We have 8 short questions for you, this will only take 5 minutes, and then you will have an investment portfolio proposal!
In order for us to properly prepare the most appropriate investment portfolio, we have a few questions about your preferences.
Let's go!
Step 1/-1
How old are you?
It’s usually not so polite to ask, but it’s necessary for us to prepare the most accurate results!
Slide your age
My Age
Why do we ask ?
Differing stages in a person’s life will normally dictate and require different approaches when dealing with investments. Your age, paired with answers to additional questions will allow us to prepare the optimal investment strategy specifically for you.
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Step 2/-1
How much money were you thinking of investing?
The investment amount can be easily changed later on if necessary.
My investment
Minimum 250 $
Why do we ask ?
The investment amount will reflect how your portfolio’s value is likely to evolve, while taking into account the costs involved.
Next Stage
Step 3/-1
According to your estimation, in how many years will you need to use the investment money?
The money can be easily withdrawn at any time, it is therefore wiser and more lucrative to choose a longer time range that suits you.
1-2 Years at most
3-4 Years
5-10 Years
10-15 Years
15 Years and above
1-2 Years at most
3-4 Years
5-10 Years
10-15 Years
15 Years and above
Why do we ask ?
Normally, longer frames of time will better serve any investment, because it will allow whoever is handling it to better diversify your portfolio into assets with a greater profit-potential in the long term. Consider that your investment is liquid and available for full or partial withdrawal, so there is nothing to fear if you set a longer investment period and change your mind along the way.
Next Stage
Step 4/-1
What is the main purpose for your investment?
I currently have no goal
Specific purpose (for example buying an apartment, wedding etc.)
Setting up funds for pension
I currently have no goal
Specific purpose (for example buying an apartment, wedding etc.)
Setting up funds for pension
Why do we ask ?
When you have variable investment goals, this allows you to have different investment behaviour at different time periods. Like we mentioned before, the longer your investment horizon theOther better!
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Step 5/-1
What is the amount of your liquid assets that you intend to invest?
Could be cash deposits, financial assets, securities and similar.
Up to 10%
Up to 100%
Up to 10%
Up to 100%
Why do we ask ?
The amount of your liquid assets that you are willing to invest with us from your total assets will aid us in determining an appropriate risk level for you. For example, if you intend to invest a significant proportion of your total assets, we would like to adjust your investments to reflect a relatively lower level of risk.
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Step 6/-1
How much do you agree with the following statement?
"I prefer a high risk investment than a low risk investment” With 1 being don’t agree at all, and 5 being completely agree."
Not agree at all
Not agree
Very Agree
Not agree at all
Not agree
Very Agree
Why do we ask ?
This will allow us to better understand your attitude towards risk. For our purposes this is a highly important factor for us to adapt a portfolio that is right for you. It’s recommended to invest in channels that permit relatively high long-term returns. These paths are volatile in short term time frames. Fluctuations in the market at times lead investors to impulsively pull their assets. This is not necessarily the case for long term portfolios.
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Step 7/-1
What do you think would be the right move in the case that your portfolio’s value drops by 20% over a month period due to a capital market crisis?
Give up on the portfolio
Sell some assets in the portfolio
Do nothing
Increase investment amount
Give up on the portfolio
Sell some assets in the portfolio
Do nothing
Increase investment amount
Why do we ask ?
Like the previous question this will allow us to better understand your attitude towards risk.
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Step 8/-1
For the purpose of gaining long term profit from my portfolio, I can deal with the following decline in the value of my portfolio in the case of market fluctuations
Why do we ask ?
As in the previous questions, it is important for us to understand your risk-taking approach, as we have a portfolio that has the potential for maximum return over time, but will also make you comfortable.

In this question we ask about your ability to deal with a temporary decrease in the value of your portfolio. For example, if your portfolio size is NIS 100,000, choosing a 20% answer means you think you will be able to handle a temporary decrease of NIS 20,000 in portfolio value.

It is true that risk exposure cannot be avoided, but the desired risk level can certainly be chosen according to the preferences and nature of each investor.
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